Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How I met him : Ada E

"Hey 4aces,
Thought it would be fun to share this story with your readers!

The good ole days…

It was 2nd year of college in NYC and my best friend had just come to America for the
first time on her break from school in London. Obviously very excited and being the
always fill-every-moment-with-activity host, after a Broadway show we decided to
stop by the tents on Bryant park since it was fashion week. Manhattan gets way
crazy fun during fashion week. Anyway, so we go and join the crowd outside the
tent were just enjoying being part of all the festivities when I mentioned to my
friend that I wish I knew who the designer showing that evening was.

As soon as I said that a voice from behind us said, “I can get you the program” So I’m thinking to
myself who is this person that is obviously a regular folk standing outside like us,
saying he can get us the program?? Like negro plssss lol - So I turn around and I’m
like “oh that would be great” but to my amazement he left d mob that we were all in
and walked right through the tent’s security (stopped to give them the usual
handshake & shoulder bump), and came out with 2 programs. I was like “hmm ok.”
Mind you this whole time I’m not thinking anything of this guy, he’s kind of cute but
its evening time, he’s got a funny-hipstercool-hat on and its winter so everyone just
looks a bit large from layering. So he starts talking to us, mainly my bff cause she’s
got a Brit accent and she’s pretty much hilarious. The whole time I’m kind of in and
out of the conversation until my friend said something, I turned to laugh and then
caught myself staring at him with a sheepish smile and he’s smiling back and
said “your smile is adorable.” WHERE DO YOU GO FROM THERE!!! If I was white I
would have been so RED! It dawned on me that I had been staring at him a bit
longer than necessary, examining his facial bone structure, which turned out to be
PERFECT…he was a model in the show – omg dumb me (or us).

Fastforward 1 hr we are all laughing, he gets word from one of the security guys that Eve will be arriving in 5mins, we are sophomores in college SO we get overtly excited. By the way Marc
Jacobs is showing that night, Eve comes through and the security (who are his good
friends) let us take pictures and talk to her, Kanye West & his then babe Alexis
Phifier come through and says a good 5 mins what’s up (fist and shoulder bump
included) to our stranger friend. By the end of the amazing evening, the stranger’s
equally gorgeous friend joins us and we’re all laughing outside the Mercedes Benz
tent, having an all around good time. We even hugged them both goodbye and
numbers exchanged. Two days later we all double dated for the best dinner date
ever! Bestfriend returned to London but I got myself a model boyfriend for a solid 3
years….ah goodtimes!


  1. Cute story! I should do one about how I met my bf who was totally oblivious to me crushing on him. Ha.

    And cute blog concept! Love African girls forging fashion :)
